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What you Need to Know Before your First Gym Session

Let’s be honest. Everyone with a brain knows that they should be into fitness. Fitness is difficult, though. That’s why some people avoid it at all costs.

Getting into fitness (and being successful) will require weight training. However, everyone’s first steps in the gym can be very intimidating.

I've been lifting weights for four years. Looking back at when I first started, I did so many things wrong but it took me a lot of trial and error to get to a point where I run a business about the topic. I am nowhere near knowing everything - not even close. There have been many times when I thought I knew what I was doing, only to find out I was wrong.

Today, I’ll share four things I wish I had known before my first visit to the gym to ensure you achieve the success you’re looking for.

1 - No one knows what they’re doing

Fitness is an enormously deep topic. Even the most experienced person in your gym doesn’t know everything there is to know about fitness. We’re all in the same boat.

Nobody is born with a good understanding of fitness equipment or perfect exercise techniques. Everyone starts at the same place when they start training in the gym, you’re not alone. The sooner you acknowledge this fact, the better. You won’t get anywhere by pretending you know what you’re doing

Remember, everyone in the gym was once a beginner, and they understand the journey you're embarking on.

2 - Don’t overthink it

I know. “Don’t overthink it” is like advising someone with a cold to be healthy, but you’ll quickly realise that there isn’t much to overthink fitness. You’ll get further by simplifying as much as possible.

Over time, you'll gain confidence, and the gym will become a familiar and comfortable space. It’s normal to overthink anything before you’ve experienced it enough to be comfortable. Embrace the discomfort you will inevitably face to become a stronger person physically and mentally.

3 - Warm-up

Warming up primes your body for the workout ahead. Be kind to yourself. You wouldn’t try to break the lap record of the Silverstone circuit precisely 2 seconds after starting your car’s engine. So why skip the warm-up to save 5 minutes?

Just like most other topics in fitness, warming up doesn’t need to be complicated. You can even include your warm-up in your normal weight training. For example, for the first exercise in a muscle group, I always start with a low weight and high reps for one warm-up set. This helps me get used to the movement and warm up the worked muscles for the main sets.

4 - Film yourself

I’m not saying you need to be a fitness influencer, but there's a difference between what you feel like you're doing and what you're doing.

The best way to discover the truth is to film yourself doing an exercise. This is a big help, especially if you're wondering how your form is. Poor technique will only lead to poor results and injuries.

5 - Follow a plan

You don’t need a plan straight away but writing out, or following a detailed workout programme will get you to that next level.

We all started by walking into the gym with no plan. I used to do a few exercises until I felt tired and thought that was enough. Sure, I felt great afterwards, but I couldn’t track my progress as time went on.

Generalised training programmes on TikTok won’t get you to where you want to be, though. You need a programme specific to you - what you like to do, what your goals are, and what facilities are available.

I use the Strong app and a Sheets document to track my training and progress over time. And best of all, both options are free.


Stepping foot into a gym for the first time will change your life. It’s important to remember this: the goal is consistency.

It doesn't have to be a scary experience. By keeping these 4 things in mind, you can approach your initial gym visits with confidence and excitement. Embrace the process and enjoy it!

As always, if you need any extra support then hire a coach!