Build a List of Small Wins

Elite fitness is achievable. But only if you obey the golden rule.


Unfortunately, most people think they need to spend hours in the gym and restrict their diets to fish and rice cakes every day to see any results in their fitness.

However, I promise you can start your journey to pain-free ability, fat loss, muscle gain, sports performance, or ANYTHING right now. Or at least after you read this.

Invest 2 minutes reading this to unlock a new way of looking at fitness.

Compounding your Fitness

Whether you want to be elite in your sport or you just don’t want to be in pain when you play with your kids, a 30-second workout every day and/ or choosing an apple instead of a doughnut can be a good starting point.

Investing in your body is just like investing in money.

Every penny you put in can grow over time. In fitness, every repetition you put in, or every calorie you swap, compounds over time to eventually build the body you’ve always dreamed of.

The 30-second workout is an extreme case but anything is better than nothing. For each rep you do, you’ll get more wins. More wins mean you’ll want to keep doing it.

Get your first win!

Earlier, I promised you that you could start winning while reading this. I’ll make it even easier for you. You can even start if you’re sitting down reading this!

Here’s how:

  1. Sit on the edge of your seat with your knees over your toes.

  2. With the balls of your feet on the floor, lift your heels.

  3. Repeat this 15 times

Congratulations, you have your first (of many) wins.

You just did the seated calf raise—an exercise that works the pound-for-pound strongest muscle in the body – the soleus.

Even if you’re an athlete at the top of your sport, small wins will improve your mental AND physical health. You want to be the best version of yourself. Don’t you?

(You can lower your heels now.)

Fitness isn’t complicated

Fitness isn’t complicated. 95% of the fitness industry would have you believe you need to buy their product because it is too complicated for your little brain to comprehend. But you don’t have to listen to those people. You have a big brain.

When I first started, I was overwhelmed by the endless contradicting advice in the industry. That’s why I’m writing this newsletter. To be the guy who I wish I had.

So, once you’ve read this recap, you should have your first win ticked off.

If you wait for the perfect moment to get your next win, it will never happen.

Start now.


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